Westbrook AdamWestbrook Adam

Adam Westbrook è un giornalista multimediale freelance, lettore universitario e fondatore di UK Future of News Group. È diventato freelance dopo aver lavorato per tre anni in radio, occupandosi anche delle notizie sulla guerra in Iraq. Attualmente è Journalist-in-Residence alla Kingston University e autore di svariati ebooks tra i quali 6×6 skills for Next Generation Journalists e Newsgathering for Hyperlocal Websites. Attraverso il suo blog scrive per Duckrabbit e Journalism.co.uk e realizza prodotti multimediali per redazioni editoriali e clienti commerciali. Ha fondato UK Future of News Group nel novembre 2009. Il meet-up conta attualmente più o meno 300 membri ed ha altre cinque sedi nel Regno Unito.

venerdì 23 aprile - ore 16.30

Adam Westbrook is a freelance multimedia journalist, lecturer and founder of the UK Future of News Group. After more than three years in radio news, covering everything from floods to the war in Iraq, Adam went freelance to see what he could make happen in the digital revolution. He is now Journalist-in-Residence at Kingston University, London and the author of several ebooks, including 6×6 skills for Next Generation Journalists and Newsgathering for Hyperlocal Websites. Alongside his blog he writes for Duckrabbit and Journalism.co.uk, and produces multimedia for editorial and commercial clients. He set up the UK Future of News Group in November 2009, which now has nearly 300 members and has spawned five local groups throughout the UK.

friday 23 april - 16.30