Gabriella e Ryan Opaz sono i co-fondatori di, Catavino Marketing, e la European Wine Bloggers Conference. Nata a Chicago, Illinois, Gabriella è il motore dietro i progetti di Catavino, dando loro vita e fruizione. Membro del Circle of Wine Writers, è una post-graduate della University of Minnesota con un Master in Education. Ryan è nato nel Minnesota, e passa il suo tempo creando workshop e interventi pubblici a livello internazionale sui social media e i blog per le vinerie. Alcuni esempi delle sue collaborazioni: Wine Future, London International Wine Fair, London Boutique Winery Tasting, Bibendum Annual Tasting, Congreso Internacional de Turismo Enologico, International Wine Tourism Conference & Workshop in Sitges. Ryan e Gabriella sono entrambi Sherry Educators certificati, membri del Wine Century Club e membri della giuria per Essencia do Vinho in Portogallo.
Gabriella and Ryan Opaz are co-founders of, Catavino Marketing, and the European Wine Bloggers Conference. Born and bred in Chicago, IL, Gabriella is the motor behind Catavino’s projects, giving them life and fruition. Member of the Circle of Wine Writers, she is a post graduate of UMN with a Masters in Education. Ryan was born in Minnesota, and his time is spent giving workshops and speeches internationally on social media and blogging for wineries. Examples of his work include: Wine Future, London International Wine Fair, London Boutique Winery Tasting, Bibendum Annual Tasting, Congreso Internacional de Turismo Enologico, International Wine Tourism Conference & Workshop in Sitges. Ryan and Gabriella are both Certified Sherry Educators, members of the Wine Century Club and Judges at Essencia do Vinho in Portugal.