Andrea Dip

special reporter Agência Pública

Andrea Dip is a special reporter and editor at Agência Pública, Brazil’s first nonprofit investigative journalism outlet. She has been covering human rights-related issues since 2001, and has received seven human rights journalism awards. She was a finalist for the 2015 Gabriel García Márquez Award for New Ibero-American Journalism, with the first investigative story to ever be published as a graphic novel in Brazil. In May 2018, she launched her first nonfiction novel Em nome de Quem? A bancada evangélica e seu projeto de poder (In the Name of Whom? The Evangelical caucus and its project of power), which earned the third place of Brazil’s National Library Prize and is currently sold out. Dip co-directed the documentary film Sob Constante Ameaça (Under Constant Threat) about how women occupy the city and fear gender-based violence. She received the Cosecha Roja grant in 2018 to cover stories on youth, inequality and poverty, violence against women, hate crimes, and attacks against the LGBTQ community. For the past two years she has investigated the transnational coalitions of far-right religious movements. She is currently an associated research fellow at Freien Universität Berlin.

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