Claire Wardle è honorary lecturer alla Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies. Lavora attualmente come freelance trainer e ricercatrice specializzata nella produzione dei contenuti nei media, studia le esperienze di fruizione e le risposte dell’audience attorno ai social media, al contenuto generato dagli utenti (User-Generated Content) ed alla rappresentazione di problematiche e questioni collettive. Insieme a Bethany Klein si occupa del progetto fondato da ESRC, dal titolo Social Issues in Primetime Television: Production Processes and Audience Responses. Nella sua permanenza alla Cardiff School ha approfondito il modo in cui le questioni sociali e politiche vengono rappresentate dai diversi media e portato avanti due team di ricerca, l’uno dal titolo Media coverage and audience reception of people with disfigurement or visible loss of function della Healing Foundation e l’altro co-finanziato dalla BBC e da AHRC dal titolo User Generated Content: Understanding its Impact Upon Contributors, Non-Contributors and the BBC che analizza quanto e come le notizie della BBC sono influenzate o includono contenuto generato dagli utenti. Ha ottenuto un MA (Master of Arts) in scienze politiche e un PhD in comunicazione alla University of Pennsylvania.
Claire Wardle is an honorary lecturer at the Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies. She taught several modules on the BA undergraduate programme until September 2009. Claire is currently working as a freelance trainer and researcher specialising in the media production processes and audience experiences surrounding social media, user generated content, and the representation of social issues. She is also continuing to work on the ESRC funded project Social Issues in Primetime Television: Production Processes and Audience Responses with Dr Bethany Klein. During Claire's time at Cardiff her research examined the ways in which social and political issues are represented in different media formats. She led two research teams, one examining portrayals of disfigurement in primetime television and understanding audience responses to these portrayals (entitled Media coverage and audience reception of people with disfigurement or visible loss of function and funded by the Healing Foundation), the other a knowledge exchange project co-funded by the BBC and AHRC entitled User Generated Content: Understanding its Impact Upon Contributors, Non-Contributors and the BBC which explored the ways in which BBC news and current affairs output includes user generated content. Claire gained her MA in political science from the University of Pennsylvania and her PhD in communications from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania.