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Speaker 2025
(elenco in continuo aggiornamento - ultimo aggiornamento venerdì 7/02/2025 20:54)
Abano Imelda
program manager Earth Journalism Network Internews
Abbas Hassan
media consultant
Abello Banfi Jaime
cofondatore e direttore Gabo Foundation
Abraham Yuval
investigative journalist +972 Magazine
Abu Elouf Samar
Abu Hamad Ahmad
media for development lead Aljazeera Media Institute
Abuzaid Nour
senior researcher Forensic Architecture
Acuna Jazmin
cofondatrice e direttrice El Surtidor
Ajakaiye Hannah
direttrice FactsMatterNG
Al Aila Shrouq
direttrice Ain Media (via video)
al Hafez Lina
filmmaker and journalist
Al Jaloud Ravid
fondatore Pax Memoria
Al Khatib Hadi
fondatore The Syrian Archive
Alamillos Alicia
editor-in-chief international desk El Confidencial
Albadry Wafaa
newsletter editor The National News
Albright Jonathan
School of Media and Communication The University of Western Australia
Alfter Brigitte
direttrice Arena for Journalism in Europe
Alvarez Sarah
fondatrice e direttrice Outlier Media
Alviani Alessandro
lead generative AI Süddeutsche Zeitung Digitale Medien
Anand Ankita
giornalista e scrittrice
Anderlini Jamil
regional director Europe POLITICO
Anderson Janet
lead correspondent Justice Info
Andree Martin
University of Cologne
Andringa Peter
graphics journalist visual investigations The Financial Times
Anesi Cecilia
cofondatrice IRPI
Anoushfar Ladan
As Equals CNN
Antelava Natalia
cofondatrice e direttrice Coda Story
Anyangwe Eliza
editor-in-chief The Fuller Project
As'ad Shuruq
portavoce Palestinian Journalist Syndicate
Assi Christina
photojournalist Agence France-Presse
Ataiyero Kayce
chief external affairs officer Joyce Foundation
Athanasiou-Prins Jennifer
direttrice European Press Prize
Avery Nichols Nicole
direttrice Detroit Free Press
Babinets Anna
cofondatrice e direttrice Slidstvo.info
Ball James
political editor The New European
Battaglia al-Jalal Laura Silvia
Radio3 Rai
Baydar Yavuz
media commentator
Beckett Charlie
direttore Polis London School of Economics
Beentjes Jesse
cofondatore Huis voor de Journalistiek
Beighton Fran
head of growth Daily Maverick
Bell Emily
direttrice Tow Center for Digital Journalism
Bell Fergus
cofondatore e CEO Fathm
Bell Melissa
CEO Chicago Public Media
Benjakob Omer
investigative journalist Haaretz
Bernstein Hannah
senior program associate Earth Journalism Network Internews
Bice Ed
CEO and board chair Meedan
Biddle Ellery Roberts
editorial and policy lead Meedan
Bisharat Ghousoon
direttrice +972 Magazine
Boering Lars
direttore European Journalism Centre
Boggie Matt
chief product and technology officer The Philadelphia Inquirer
Borello Federico
vicedirettore Human Rights Watch
Brady Jim
VP journalism Knight Foundation
Braimah Sulemana
direttore Media Foundation for West Africa
Braschayko Andrea
giornalista freelance
Breimer Sanne
fondatrice Inclusive Journalism
Brennan Bridget
indigenous affairs editor Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Brkic Branko
fondatore Project Kontinuum
Burley Ross
direttore Centre for Information Resilience
Cabra Mar
co-fondatrice e direttrice The Self-Investigation
Cacho Ribeiro Lydia
giornalista e scrittrice
Cadwalladr Carole
feature writer The Observer
Caferri Francesca
La Repubblica
Campos Mello Patricia
editor-at-large Folha de Sao Paulo
Cantenys Elisabet
direttrice ACOS Alliance
Careem Nicola
VP and editor-in-chief Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Carlier Lot
direttrice Vereniging Veronica/V-Ventures
Carrique Felicitas
direttrice News Product Alliance
Carvalho Catarina
fondatrice Mensagem de Lisboa
Cassimally Khalil
head of special projects The Conversation
Castello-Lopes David
journalist and comedian
Caswell David
fondatore StoryFlow
Cerdan Audrey
climate editor France Télévisions
Chan Megan
news ecosystem lead Google
Charalambous Styli
cofondatore e CEO Daily Maverick
Chauhan Sahba
program manager climate engagement IKEA Foundation
Chen Stellina
Chetwynd Phil
direttore Agence France-Presse
Chinnappa Madhav
VP partnerships Human Native AI
Chisanga-Mayer Patience
corporate communications expert
Chivers David
AI collaborative and fellowship lead Lenfest Institute
Cho Kassy
fondatrice e direttrice Almost
Christopher Nilesh
2025 Nieman fellow Harvard University
Chua Gina
direttrice Semafor
Clement Megan
direttrice Impact
Coca Nithin
giornalista freelance
Cockerell Isobel
senior reporter Coda Story
Coester Dana
fondatrice e direttrice 100 Days in Appalachia
Cole Sam
cofondatrice 404 Media
Collins Dylan
video journalist Agence France-Presse
Couronne Ivan
Future of the Planet global editor Agence France-Presse
Craddick Mariah
executive director of product The Atlantic
Cruciata Gabriele
teaching fellow Google News Lab
Cruvellier Thierry
direttoreJustice Infodirettore Justiceinfo.net
Cunliffe-Jones Peter
senior visiting researcher University of Westminster
Czerny Milan
investigative journalist Shomrim
Darkoa Sekyiamah Nana
cofondatrice Institute of Journalism and Social Change
Das Angelica
associate director public square team Democracy Fund
De Angelis Enrico
ricercatore e co-fondatore UntoldStories
Delesalle-Stolper Sonia
chief foreign editor Libération
Delic Anuska
fondatrice Ostro
Devi Kavita
cofondatrice Khabar Lahariya (via video)
di Giovanni Janine
direttrice The Reckoning Project
Dias Marina
communications and impact director Agencia Publica
Diasamidze Ilona
avocatessa Media Ombudsman
Dobmeier Steffi
head of digital and editorial development STERN
Donner Francesca
fondatrice e direttrice The Persistent
Donovan Louise
senior reporter The Fuller Project
Dotto Carlotta
senior visual editor As Equals CNN
Drobnic Holan Angie
direttrice International Fact-Checking Network
Duca Dan
editorial director Hotnews
Dudfield Andrew
direttore AI Full Fact
Dundar Can
giornalista e scrittore
Eeman Ezra
strategy and innovation director NPO
El Masri Yafa
University of East Anglia
Elbagir Yousra
Africa correspondent Sky News
Elder Robert
presidente e CEO Outrider Foundation
Elgie Jeff
CEO Village Media
Eltahawy Mona
fondatrice e direttrice FEMINIST GIANT
Esteves Ribeiro Ricardo
cofondatore Fumaca
Evans Amelia
deputy advocacy director Committee to Protect Journalists
Fang Shuwei
fellow Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy
Farag Fatemah
fondatrice e CEO Welad Elbalad Media
Feinstein Anthony
Università di Toronto
Felix Maritza
fondatrice e direttrice Conecta Arizona
Ferguson Jane
fondatrice e CEO Noosphere
Fillion Rubina Madan
associate editorial director AI initiatives The New York Times
Fitzgerald Mary
director of programs Open Society Foundations
Fletcher Richard
director of research Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Foley Diane
presidente e fondatrice James W. Foley Legacy Foundation
Franklin Tim
Medill School of Journalism Northwestern University
Frediani Carola
co-fondatrice GuerrediRete.it
Freeman Nikki
director AI product strategy and partnerships Microsoft
Gallagher Caoilfhionn
avvocatessa Doughty Street Chambers
Ganguly Manisha
The Guardian
Garrahan Matthew
head of digital platforms The Financial Times
Gathara Patrick
senior editor inclusive storytelling The New Humanitarian
Gautam Upasna
senior platform product manager CNN
Geybulla Arzu
regional editor South Caucasus and Turkey Global Voices
Gibson Kate
presidente Association of Defence Counsel
Gilberds Heather
vicedirettrice Center for International Media Assistance
Giles Chrissie
vicedirettrice The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Gill Sam
presidente e CEO Doris Duke Foundation
Gillespie Noreen
journalism director Democracy Forward Microsoft
Ginsberg Jodie
CEO Committee to Protect Journalists
Gongadze Myroslava
bureau chief Eastern Europe Voice of America
Goossen Karlijn
genre coordinator NPO
Gottipati Sruthi
media executive
Graves Lucas
School of Journalism Università di Wisconsin
Gregory Sam
direttore WITNESS
Griffen Scott
interim executive director International Press Institute
Gumenyuk Nataliya
cofondatrice Public Interest Journalism Lab
Gursel Kadri
Haj Youssef Loujein
direttrice Radio Rozana
Hallman Ben
fondatore e direttore The Examination
Hamada Pablo
videdirettore La Gaceta de Tucumán
Hamidi Ibrahim
direttore Al Majalla
Hao Karen
giornalista e scrittrice
Harb Zahera
presidente Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism
Hardy Katrice
executive editor and VP Dallas Morning News
Harlow Summer
associate director Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas
Harris Johnny
journalist and YouTube influencer
Heawood Jonathan
direttore Public Interest News Foundation
Heinrichs Ellen
fondatrice e CEO Bonn Institute
Helmi Kholoud
cofondatrice Enab Baladi
Hernandez Andrea
conduttrice Once Noticias
Herrmann Joshi
fondatore e direttore Mill Media
Hertsgaard Mark
cofondatore e direttore Covering Climate Now
Herz Virginie
managing editor France 24
Hilsum Lindsey
international editor Channel 4 News
Hoag Hannah
senior producer Science and Climate Unit CBC News
Holcova Pavla
fondatrice Investigace.cz
Holliday Darryl
cofondatore e partner Commoner Company (via video)
Horel Stephane
investigative journalist Le Monde
Horowitz Etan
global innovation programs manager news partnerships Google
Hossein Siruan
fondatore e direttore Radio Arta
Hulin Adeline
direttrice Media and Information Literacy and Digital Competencies Unit UNESCO
Hussein Leyla
global advocacy director The Girl Generation
Ibrahim Alia
cofondatrice e CEO Daraj.com
Ignataviciute Viktorija
community builder Bellingcat
Ilie Victor
giornalista investigativo
Im Kathy
direttrice journalism and media MacArthur Foundation
Jankowicz Nina
cofondatrice e CEO The American Sunlight Project
Jarjour Michael
product manager The Financial Times
Jay Paul
journalist and filmmaker
Jeffers Tess
director newsroom data and AI The Wall Street Journal
Jeong Sarah
features editor The Verge
Jessem Fadah
head of data visualisation The National News
Joeres Annika
climate and environment reporter CORRECTIV
Johnson Sharon
direttrice Bellwethers Group
Jones Sophia
open source researcher Digital Investigations Lab Human Rights Watch
Joseph Josy
fondatore Confluence Media
Joya Zahra
fondatrice e direttrice Rukhshana Media
Judeaux Pierrick
director of portfolio International Fund for Public Interest Media
Kaiser Karen
senior VP and general counsel The Associated Press
Kalita Mitra
co-fondatrice URL Media
Kandil Heba
Thomson Reuters Foundation
Kaphle Anup
direttore Rest of World
Kapur Ritu
cofondatrice e CEO Quintillion Media
Kariakina Angelina
cofondatrice Public Interest Journalism Lab
Karianjahi Josephine
cofondatrice Africa Podfest
Kelly Deborah
director training and communications Thomson Foundation
Khair Kholood
fondatrice e direttrice Confluence Advisory
Khan Misbah
health and environment reporter Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Khattab Ahlem
giornalista freelance
Kiesow Damon
Knight Chair in journalism innovation Missouri School of Journalism
Kintsurashvili Tamar
fondatrice e direttrice Media Development Foundation
Kodjak Alison Fitzgerald
vicedirettrice ProPublica
Kodjo Ama
program director DW Akademie Ghana
Kolpakov Ivan
cofondatore e vicedirettore Meduza
Koltai Kolina
senior researcher Bellingcat
Koniger Maribel
director journalism and media ERSTE Foundation
Kornienko Yanina
investigative journalist Slidstvo.info
Korsgaard Lea
cofondatrice e direttrice Zetland
Kotynek Martin
direttore Media Forward Fund
Krasovska Zoya
media analyst Lviv Media Forum
Krishnamurthy Vidya
chief communications officer William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Kronlund Sonia
produttore Les Pieds sur terre France Culture
Kueng Lucy
senior visiting research associate RISJ
Kuijpers Karlijn
investigative reporter NRC
Kulkarni Shirish
news innovation research fellow
Kurmasheva Alsu
Tatar-Bashkir service RFE/RL
Lallerstedt Inanna
senior product manager Svenska Dagbladet
Lalwani Nishant
CEO International Fund for Public Interest Media
Landau Noa
vicedirettrice Haaretz
Lang Kirsty
presidente Global Witness
Large Timothy
direttore Investigative Journalism for Europe fund
Layton Rob
Bond University
Lees Munoz Elisa
direttrice International Women’s Media Foundation
Leibowicz Claire
head of AI and media integrity program PAI
Leonova Mariia
management consultant Jnomics Media
Levy Adam
giornalista scientifico
Lindberg Staffan
direttore V-Dem Institute
Little Mark
media entrepreneur and consultant
Liu Emily
direttrice growth and partnerships Bluesky
Loken Stavrum Kjersti
CEO Tinius Trust
Lomax Sara
co-fondatrice URL Media
Lorenz Taylor
fondatrice User Magazine (via video)
Lupsa Cristian
media consultant
Lytvynenko Jane
freelance investigative reporter
Macharashvili Nino
cofondatrice e direttrice ForSet
MacLeod Lisa
direttrice FT Strategies
Maher Charlotte
social media editor Bellingcat
Mahmoud Altaha Nabieha
Syrian journalist
Maier Astrid
vicedirettrice dpa
Makki Danny
non-resident fellow Middle East Institute
Malakunas Karl
head of philanthropic partnerships Agence France-Presse
Manabat Jacque
social media content creator
Marai Montaser
media initiatives manager Al Jazeera Media Institute
Martin-Kessler Florence
fondatrice e CEO Live Magazine
Martinson Jane
giornalista e scrittrice
Maseko Lwazi
programme officer JournalismAI
Matjasic Peter
direttore Investigate Europe
Matzko Paul
adjunct scholar Cato Institute
Maufrais Pauline
chargée de mission Ukraine Reporters sans Frontières
McGray Douglas
fondatore Beyond Beyondcofondatore e direttore Pop-Up Magazine Productions
McMullen Karen
festival director Urbanworld
McVeigh Tracy
philanthropic projects The Guardian
Mefo Newuh Mimi
fondatrice e CEO Mimi Mefo Info
Meyer Ruona
giornalista freelance
Minsky Daria
global leaders fellow McCain Institute
Mizon Eliz
strategy lead The Bristol Cable
Mohammed Salih Zeinab
giornalista freelance
Mohseni Saad
presidente e CEO MOBY Group
Moran Chris
head of editorial innovation The Guardian
Morse Andrew
presidente e editore The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Mozes Yonit
economic editor Local Call
Mukherjee Mitali
acting director Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Murimi Peter
documentary director/producer
Murray Grace
impact producer Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Nader Zahra
direttrice Zan Times
Nalon Tai
cofondatrice e direttrice Aos Fatos
Nardin Daniel
fondatore e CEO Amazonia Vox
Narisetti Raju
partner global publishing McKinsey & Company
Nelson Liz Kelly
Project C
Nemitz Paul
College of Europe
Newman Nic
senior research fellow Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Nikuradze Mariam
cofondatrice e direttrice OC Media
Obermaier Frederik
giornalista investigativo e scrittore
Olij Maike
media consultant
Oliver James
Panorama BBC
Olufemi Joshua
fondatore Dataphyte
Orenburg Michal
senior user experience designer Google
Osman Fathi
Eritrean exile journalist and author
Osman Hoda
direttrice Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism
Otieno Maurice
direttore Baraza Media Lab
Pace Julie
direttrice The Associated Press
Pacienza Angela
direttrice The Globe and Mail
Padania Sameer
direttore Macroscope Consultancy
Pang Tessa
impact editor Lighthouse Reports
Papachristou Alexander
executive director Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice
Papangeli Iliana
direttrice Solomon
Parker Marcia
VP philanthropic partnerships The New York Times
Parusinski Jakub
direttore The Fix
Payne Gary
director product operations The Daily Telegraph
Peneda Vera
director programmes and impact European Journalism Centre
Pereira Flora
head of engagement Pulitzer Center
Peretti Mattia
fondatore News Alchemists
Perry Erin
direttrice Outlier Media
Persico Oren
staff writer The Seventh Eye
Peters Jean
senior reporter CORRECTIV
Phillips Ian
direttore News & Media Division United Nations
Piccato Franco
direttore Chequeado
Pierre-Pierre Garry
fondatore The Haitian Times
Pilhofer Aron
chief product officer Star Tribune Media Company
Popa-Fabre Murielle
expert on AI policies Council of Europe
Posetti Julie
VP global research International Center for Journalists
Pravdic Marina
director of operations policy and advocacy The Rockefeller Foundation
Prokopenko Serhii
direttore Gwara Media
Protsiuk Zakhar
chief operating officer The Kyiv Independent
Quaranta Pasquale
diversity editor Gruppo Gedi
Radi Omar
giornalista investigativo
Radsch Courtney
direttrice Center for Journalism and Liberty
Radu Alina
investigative journalist and CEO Ziarul de Garda
Rapoport Meron
cofondatore A Land for All
Rebelo Karen
fact-checker BOOM
Reed Betsy
direttrice The Guardian US
Rees Gavin
senior advisor training & innovation Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma
Reppell Lisa
senior program manager information literacy Microsoft
Ressa Maria
CEO e direttrice Rappler
Reyes Luz Mely
cofondatrice e CEO Efecto Cocuyo
Reynolds Martin
co-executive director The Robert C. Maynard Institute for Journalism Education
Rezaian Jason
director press freedom initiatives The Washington Post
Richard Laurent
fondatore e direttore Forbidden Stories
Richardson Jerry
giornalista freelance
Roth Ken
Princeton School for Public and International Affairs
Roughol Isabelle
media consultant
Roy Nikita
host podcast Newsroom Robots
Royaards Tjeerd
direttore Cartoon Movement
Rozycka-Iwan Joanna
chief investment officer Media Development Investment Fund
Rudenko Olga
direttrice The Kyiv Independent
Rudiger Johanna
head of social media strategy Deutsche Welle
Rusbridger Alan
direttore Prospect Magazine
Ryle Gerard
direttore International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
Sabbagh Rana
co-fondatrice Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism
Sachdev Nina
director communications Media Impact Funders
Safi Michael
host Today in Focus The Guardian
Salaime Samah
activist and peace advocate
Salas Aphrodite
Concordia University
Saluja Romita
giornalista freelance
Sarney Hannah
editorial product director The Financial Times
Sarwary Bilal
giornalista freelance
Schiffrin Anya
School of International and Public Affairs Columbia University
Schiller Vivian
VP e direttrice Aspen Digital
Schneider Patrice
chief strategy officer Media Development Investment Fund
Schraven David
Schueler Miazia
researcher AI Forensics
Scott Martin
University of East Anglia
Selva Meera
chief executive Internews Europe
Settles Ross
independent researcher and investor
Sharma Versha
direttrice Teen Vogue
Shevchenko Daryna
CEO The Kyiv Independent
Shuker Beckie
campaign and communications manager Public Interest News Foundation
Simon Felix
research fellow AI and news Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Simon Joel
founding director Journalism Protection Initiative
Simons Marlise
international justice correspondent The New York Times
Sinjab Lina
Middle East correspondent BBC
Sittoni Pamella Makotsi
trustee Thomson Foundation
Skinner Kate
executive director Association of Independent Publishers
Smith Galer Sophia
journalist and content creator
Spehar V
TikToker and political advocate
Stabe Martin
data editor The Financial Times
Stefflbauer Nakeema
CEO FrauenLoop (via video)
Stehle Vince
direttore Media Impact Funders
Stewart Louise
VP global communications and engagement Oversight Board
Storm Hannah
fondatrice e direttrice Headlines Network
Strick Benjamin
director of investigations Centre for Information Resilience
Sullivan Drew
cofondatore ed editore OCCRP
Swehat Yassin
co-founder and editorial board member Al-Jumhuriya Collective
Taylor Matt
senior product manager The Financial Times
Tedling Sophie
technology fellow Bellingcat
Thomas Adam
fondatore Evenly Distributed
Thomas Katharina
chief operating officer Allianz Foundation
Thomasson Emma
media consultant and trainer
Thuvassery Priya
co-CEO Chambal Media
Thuy Vo Lam
investigative reporter Documented
Tidiane Sy Hamadou
fondatore Ouestaf News
Timchenko Galina
cofondatrice e direttrice Meduza
Tishchenko Dmytro
fondatore e direttore Cukr.city
Tofel Richard
media consultant
Tordecilla Jaemark
editor-at-large Puma Podcast
Torres Fabiola
direttrice Salud con Lupa
Townsend Mark
senior global development reporter The Guardian
Trewinnard Tom
direttore Syli
Turns Anna
senior environment editor The Conversation UK
Tuzhanska Rosana
cofondatrice e direttrice Varosh
van Heeswijk Erik
co-fondatore e CEO Smartocto
Vanhooymissen Suzanne
documentary film-maker Centre for Information Resilience
Vaughan Jenifer
spokesperson United Nations Special Envoy for Syria
Venema Nienke
direttrice Stichting Democratie en Media
Verdoliva Luisa
Università Federico II di Napoli
Viana Natalia
cofondatrice e direttrice Agencia Publica
Vujanic Lela
research manager Central and Eastern Europe Project Oasis
Wadekar Neha
independent multimedia journalist
Walsh Lauren
direttrice Gallatin Photojournalism Intensive New York University
Walter-Brown Mary
fondatrice e CEO News Revenue Hub
Wambua-Soi Catherine
East Africa correspondent Al Jazeera
Wardle Claire
Department of Communication Cornell University (via video)
Warner Janine
cofondatrice e direttrice esecutiva SembraMedia
Wei Sisi
chief impact officer CalMatters
Weimers Clayton
direttoreReporters Without Borders USA
Weingrill Nina
consultant Brazilian Journalism Fund
Wells Matt
Wells Miriam
impact editor The Examination
Werdmuller Ben
senior director of technology ProPublica
White Rachel
EVP and executive director Associated Press Fund for Journalism
Wild Johanna
open source researcher Bellingcat
Williams Jon
direttore Rory Peck Trust
Williams Logan
technology officer Bellingcat
Wimschulte Sonja
programme director Democracy and Cohesion Department Korber-Stiftung
Win Swe
direttore Myanmar Now
Winterhager Penelope
direttrice JX Fund
Woods Sarah Bishop
chief of staff News Revenue Hub
Wylie Christopher
whistleblower and author
Yan Gregg
social media content creator
Yeginsu Can
vicepresidente High Level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom
Young Annette
creator and host The 51 Percent France 24 Television
Young Evan
cofondatore e COO Nota
Zachrison Olle
head of AI and news strategy Swedish Radio
Zaman Sadia
CEO Inspirit Foundation
Zamora Jose
chief communications and impact officer Exile Content
Zappulla Antonio
CEO Thomson Reuters Foundation
Zayadin Hiba
senior researcher MENA Human Rights Watch
Zielina Anita
fondatrice e CEO Better Leaders Lab
Zirulnick Ariel
audience and product consultant
Ziv Oren
reporter and photographer +972 Magazine
Imelda Abano
Hassan Abbas
Jaime Abello Banfi
Yuval Abraham
Samar Abu Elouf
Ahmad Abu Hamad
Nour Abuzaid
Jazmin Acuna
Hannah Ajakaiye
Shrouq Al Aila
Lina al Hafez
Ravid Al Jaloud
Hadi Al Khatib
Alicia Alamillos
Wafaa Albadry
Jonathan Albright
Brigitte Alfter
Sarah Alvarez
Alessandro Alviani
Ankita Anand
Jamil Anderlini
Janet Anderson
Martin Andree
Peter Andringa
Cecilia Anesi
Ladan Anoushfar
Natalia Antelava
Eliza Anyangwe
Shuruq As'ad
Christina Assi
Kayce Ataiyero
Jennifer Athanasiou-Prins
Nicole Avery Nichols
Anna Babinets
James Ball
Laura Silvia Battaglia al-Jalal
Yavuz Baydar
Charlie Beckett
Jesse Beentjes
Fran Beighton
Emily Bell
Fergus Bell
Melissa Bell
Omer Benjakob
Hannah Bernstein
Ed Bice
Ellery Roberts Biddle
Ghousoon Bisharat
Lars Boering
Matt Boggie
Federico Borello
Jim Brady
Sulemana Braimah
Andrea Braschayko
Sanne Breimer
Bridget Brennan
Branko Brkic
Ross Burley
Mar Cabra
Lydia Cacho Ribeiro
Carole Cadwalladr
Francesca Caferri
Patricia Campos Mello
Elisabet Cantenys
Nicola Careem
Lot Carlier
Felicitas Carrique
Catarina Carvalho
Khalil Cassimally
David Castello-Lopes
David Caswell
Audrey Cerdan
Megan Chan
Styli Charalambous
Sahba Chauhan
Stellina Chen
Phil Chetwynd
Madhav Chinnappa
Patience Chisanga-Mayer
David Chivers
Kassy Cho
Nilesh Christopher
Gina Chua
Megan Clement
Nithin Coca
Isobel Cockerell
Dana Coester
Sam Cole
Dylan Collins
Ivan Couronne
Mariah Craddick
Gabriele Cruciata
Thierry Cruvellier
Peter Cunliffe-Jones
Milan Czerny
Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah
Angelica Das
Enrico De Angelis
Sonia Delesalle-Stolper
Anuska Delic
Kavita Devi
Janine di Giovanni
Marina Dias
Ilona Diasamidze
Steffi Dobmeier
Francesca Donner
Louise Donovan
Carlotta Dotto
Angie Drobnic Holan
Dan Duca
Andrew Dudfield
Can Dundar
Ezra Eeman
Yafa El Masri
Yousra Elbagir
Robert Elder
Jeff Elgie
Mona Eltahawy
Ricardo Esteves Ribeiro
Amelia Evans
Shuwei Fang
Fatemah Farag
Anthony Feinstein
Maritza Felix
Jane Ferguson
Rubina Madan Fillion
Mary Fitzgerald
Richard Fletcher
Diane Foley
Tim Franklin
Carola Frediani
Nikki Freeman
Caoilfhionn Gallagher
Manisha Ganguly
Matthew Garrahan
Patrick Gathara
Upasna Gautam
Arzu Geybulla
Kate Gibson
Heather Gilberds
Chrissie Giles
Sam Gill
Noreen Gillespie
Jodie Ginsberg
Myroslava Gongadze
Karlijn Goossen
Sruthi Gottipati
Lucas Graves
Sam Gregory
Scott Griffen
Nataliya Gumenyuk
Kadri Gursel
Loujein Haj Youssef
Ben Hallman
Pablo Hamada
Ibrahim Hamidi
Karen Hao
Zahera Harb
Katrice Hardy
Summer Harlow
Johnny Harris
Jonathan Heawood
Ellen Heinrichs
Kholoud Helmi
Andrea Hernandez
Joshi Herrmann
Mark Hertsgaard
Virginie Herz
Lindsey Hilsum
Hannah Hoag
Pavla Holcova
Darryl Holliday
Stephane Horel
Etan Horowitz
Siruan Hossein
Adeline Hulin
Leyla Hussein
Alia Ibrahim
Viktorija Ignataviciute
Victor Ilie
Kathy Im
Nina Jankowicz
Michael Jarjour
Paul Jay
Tess Jeffers
Sarah Jeong
Fadah Jessem
Annika Joeres
Sharon Johnson
Sophia Jones
Josy Joseph
Zahra Joya
Pierrick Judeaux
Karen Kaiser
Mitra Kalita
Heba Kandil
Anup Kaphle
Ritu Kapur
Angelina Kariakina
Josephine Karianjahi
Deborah Kelly
Kholood Khair
Misbah Khan
Ahlem Khattab
Damon Kiesow
Tamar Kintsurashvili
Alison Fitzgerald Kodjak
Ama Kodjo
Ivan Kolpakov
Kolina Koltai
Maribel Koniger
Yanina Kornienko
Lea Korsgaard
Martin Kotynek
Zoya Krasovska
Vidya Krishnamurthy
Sonia Kronlund
Lucy Kueng
Karlijn Kuijpers
Shirish Kulkarni
Alsu Kurmasheva
Inanna Lallerstedt
Nishant Lalwani
Noa Landau
Kirsty Lang
Timothy Large
Rob Layton
Elisa Lees Munoz
Claire Leibowicz
Mariia Leonova
Adam Levy
Staffan Lindberg
Mark Little
Emily Liu
Kjersti Loken Stavrum
Sara Lomax
Taylor Lorenz
Cristian Lupsa
Jane Lytvynenko
Nino Macharashvili
Lisa MacLeod
Charlotte Maher
Nabieha Mahmoud Altaha
Astrid Maier
Danny Makki
Karl Malakunas
Jacque Manabat
Montaser Marai
Florence Martin-Kessler
Jane Martinson
Lwazi Maseko
Peter Matjasic
Paul Matzko
Pauline Maufrais
Douglas McGray
Karen McMullen
Tracy McVeigh
Mimi Mefo Newuh
Ruona Meyer
Daria Minsky
Eliz Mizon
Zeinab Mohammed Salih
Saad Mohseni
Chris Moran
Andrew Morse
Yonit Mozes
Mitali Mukherjee
Peter Murimi
Grace Murray
Zahra Nader
Tai Nalon
Daniel Nardin
Raju Narisetti
Liz Kelly Nelson
Paul Nemitz
Nic Newman
Mariam Nikuradze
Frederik Obermaier
Maike Olij
James Oliver
Joshua Olufemi
Michal Orenburg
Fathi Osman
Hoda Osman
Maurice Otieno
Julie Pace
Angela Pacienza
Sameer Padania
Tessa Pang
Alexander Papachristou
Iliana Papangeli
Marcia Parker
Jakub Parusinski
Gary Payne
Vera Peneda
Flora Pereira
Mattia Peretti
Erin Perry
Oren Persico
Jean Peters
Ian Phillips
Franco Piccato
Garry Pierre-Pierre
Aron Pilhofer
Murielle Popa-Fabre
Julie Posetti
Marina Pravdic
Serhii Prokopenko
Zakhar Protsiuk
Pasquale Quaranta
Omar Radi
Courtney Radsch
Alina Radu
Meron Rapoport
Karen Rebelo
Betsy Reed
Gavin Rees
Lisa Reppell
Maria Ressa
Luz Mely Reyes
Martin Reynolds
Jason Rezaian
Laurent Richard
Jerry Richardson
Ken Roth
Isabelle Roughol
Nikita Roy
Tjeerd Royaards
Joanna Rozycka-Iwan
Olga Rudenko
Johanna Rudiger
Alan Rusbridger
Gerard Ryle
Rana Sabbagh
Nina Sachdev
Michael Safi
Samah Salaime
Aphrodite Salas
Romita Saluja
Hannah Sarney
Bilal Sarwary
Anya Schiffrin
Vivian Schiller
Patrice Schneider
David Schraven
Miazia Schueler
Martin Scott
Meera Selva
Ross Settles
Versha Sharma
Daryna Shevchenko
Beckie Shuker
Felix Simon
Joel Simon
Marlise Simons
Lina Sinjab
Pamella Makotsi Sittoni
Kate Skinner
Sophia Smith Galer
V Spehar
Martin Stabe
Nakeema Stefflbauer
Vince Stehle
Louise Stewart
Hannah Storm
Benjamin Strick
Drew Sullivan
Yassin Swehat
Matt Taylor
Sophie Tedling
Adam Thomas
Katharina Thomas
Emma Thomasson
Priya Thuvassery
Lam Thuy Vo
Hamadou Tidiane Sy
Galina Timchenko
Dmytro Tishchenko
Richard Tofel
Jaemark Tordecilla
Fabiola Torres
Mark Townsend
Tom Trewinnard
Anna Turns
Rosana Tuzhanska
Erik van Heeswijk
Suzanne Vanhooymissen
Jenifer Vaughan
Nienke Venema
Luisa Verdoliva
Natalia Viana
Lela Vujanic
Neha Wadekar
Lauren Walsh
Mary Walter-Brown
Catherine Wambua-Soi
Claire Wardle
Janine Warner
Sisi Wei
Clayton Weimers
Nina Weingrill
Matt Wells
Miriam Wells
Ben Werdmuller
Rachel White
Johanna Wild
Jon Williams
Logan Williams
Sonja Wimschulte
Swe Win
Penelope Winterhager
Sarah Bishop Woods
Christopher Wylie
Gregg Yan
Can Yeginsu
Annette Young
Evan Young
Olle Zachrison
Sadia Zaman
Jose Zamora
Antonio Zappulla
Hiba Zayadin
Anita Zielina
Ariel Zirulnick
Oren Ziv