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Interested in a Perugia meet-up on #charitablestatus for journalism or on #nonprofitmedia?

Alongside the panel that Stephan Weichert, Elisa Simantke, Julia Vernersson, Aron Pilhofer and Sameer Padania are doing on charitable and nonprofit models of journalism, we'll have a meetup for people working on and thinking about charitable and nonprofit status for journalism, including at a policy, legal or funding level. If you're interested in joining for some or all of the meetup, let Sameer or Stephan know by messaging either of us.

Contact info: Sameer Padania, +44 7824 88 2896 or Stephan Weichert, +49 170 3105138, weichert@vocer.org

The event is open to all but capacity-limited.

Venue: Ristorante del Sole, Via della Rupe 1, Perugia

Organised by VOCER.

If you're interested in this area, but won't be in Perugia, never fear and do get in touch, as there is a low-traffic mailing list we can add you to after the festival.