Increased focus on climate change effects has seen the rise of explainer journalism formats, reporting that aims to center the most vulnerable, and the increase in associated themes such as “climate anxiety,” “greenwashing,” “climate justice,” and “carbon credits.” This has resulted in a need for climate change literacy, and while some audiences seek education from peers or social media, many journalists face the challenge of having to understand climate change, at the same time they are supposed to be reporting authoritatively on its effects.

This panel will focus on climate literacy and its overall importance in supporting media in how they cover climate change, and in turn support communities in better understanding what is happening as we face this global phenomenon.

Overwhelmed by the overlaying themes of crises associated with climate change reporting, studies like the Reuter’s Digital News Report show that year after year, more and more people are tuning out, and stop following the news. Informed by the practice of constructive journalism, this panel will discuss how journalists need to move forward with a set of skills to better report on the issue of climate change in a way that people keep following the news. This would include key tenets of constructive journalism being the focus on solutions, shining a light on multiple perspectives and fostering constructive dialogues.

Organised in association with Bonn Institute.
